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I am thrilled to announce that, after years of privately electing events for myself, my friends, and select clients, I am (finally) offering my electional astrology services to the public. Electional astrology is simply using astrology to find the best time(s) for both important and mundane life events. Folks come to me to elect things like weddings, going out on submission with their book, launching a business, and more. It’s literally my favorite thing to do with astrology, mostly because I’ve seen it work time and time again. Learn more here.
Also! There are only a few spots left in my booking calendar for 3rd House “My Best Writing Practice” readings for August and September! Which will, in all likelihood, be the last spots on my booking calendar for readings this year. (Please note that I am both having a major surgery this summer and also teaching this fall, so this isn’t about creating false scarcity! Just my calendar availability being impacted by my very real limitations as one person!) If this reading was on your to-do list, now is the time to lock it down.
The Full Moon is exact at 1* of Capricorn at 9:07pm Eastern tonight, June 21st.
This is the first of a very rare two full moons in a season! The second Full Moon in Capricorn will be next month, July 21, at the very end of Cancer season. (... during which, some beloveds and I will have a very special announcement for you all!) And so there are two stages of reaping, two different — but intertwined — awakenings of that first seed that was planted.
What did you seed earlier this year? (It could have been unintentional.) Think back to January: this year’s New Moon in Capricorn sat with Pluto, birthing something that has been long-awaited. It was also the last New Moon in Capricorn that would be present with Pluto in anyone’s lifetime, lending it a particular potency.
I say all this while knowing that, on the surface, it has seemed very hard to grow anything this year. With the recession here in the US, it’s been brutal for myself and so many other self-employed writers and spiritual practitioners. Financially, I’ve been month-to-month all year, which has felt like a shock to the system. Social media algorithms (like Instagram’s) increasingly punish small business owners, queer creators, and anyone who posts about the genocide in Palestine. And on top of that, industries like traditional publishing are painfully slow and getting slower. So in some ways, it is tempting to look at a Full Moon lunation and say, growth? What growth?!
Capitalism’s conditions are absolutely punishing, built to reward corporate interests over those of the community and the people who comprise it. And it is capitalist messaging around how working hard equals financial stability (false), how stratospheric growth (which is to say, profit increase) should be predictable and regular (also false), that burrows into our psyches and rots our confidence from the inside out. Or at least mine. It is a daily war with my brain, these days, to affirm the value of my work.
My astrological practice is essential to winning the war in the mind, the battle between what I know to be true versus what I have been conditioned to believe is true. Astrology helps me slow down, take a step back, and consider the conditions of not only my own chart but also the present sky. Astrology brings me back to the land, to the natural cycles of this world and the one beyond. It reminds me that growth is not linear, that growth is not automatically code for the acquisition of financial resources. Growth is many things, actually.
Listen, I would love it if more money was how Growth was showing up in my life right now. (But also, Saturn is in my second. Also, I am learning how to make some long overdue decisions re: financial responsibility and accountability.) But when I take a step back — when I consider the astrology — I am reminded of how Growth is showing up in other ways in my life. Creatively, I feel like I’m exploding with new things. There’s the aforementioned Special (Project) Announcement that has been months in the works, coming to you all at the next Full Moon. There’s my novel, which I am hurtling through yet another draft on. There are my electional astrology bookings that, after being done in private for years and years, are finally moving into the public eye. There’s this newsletter! which has experienced explosive growth over the last year.
Growth is, actually, all around. Its impact can just be harder to see, when we have this-is-the-only-way capitalist goggles on.
This Full Moon, I encourage you to consider where you’ve experienced, or are experiencing, growth or completion or moving-to-the-next-stage in your own life. This is a moment to check in with ourselves, to weigh our unconscious hopes and expectations against the reality of what is happening — and to consider how examining change in a different light might help us reorient our values, in turn.
Writing Prompts for the Full Moon in Capricorn
What has been coming to fruition, or completion, over these first six months of the year? Where in life are you moving on from one stage and beginning another?
What has your Capricorn story been over the last few years? How has it impacted your creative work or relationship to creativity, spirituality, and/or inspiration? See below for more info on what part of your life it was specifically impacting (and see this for why the rising! Is! important!):
Capricorn rising: self-expression, identity, appearance, persona, your style of showing up in the world, how you are perceived one-on-one / in person
Aquarius rising: the subconscious & our personal connection with the unseen world; what we are slowly integrating into our consciousness; ancestral legacy that has been forgotten or hidden, including family secrets; hospitals and other liminal institutions
Pisces rising: friendships; community commitments; professional networks; the internet; hopes and dreams
Aries rising: career & legacy; professional and public roles
Taurus rising: teaching & learning within the wisdom pathways (philosophy, religion, spirituality, and astrology); beliefs; long-term plans and ideas; publishing; travel
Gemini rising: collaborations with others; client work; debts, taxes, inheritance, alimony, child support, and other such arrangements; grief and loss; mental health
Cancer rising: committed partnerships (whether romantic or business; also, agents, long-time editors, and co-writers)
Leo rising: daily work life; health & wellness; how work impacts the body; pets; activism
Virgo rising: your creative and erotic energy; gaming and gambling; important children in your life
Libra rising: home; relationships with caregivers, parents, and grandparents; roots and cultural heritage; remembered ancestry
Scorpio rising: your daily rituals and routines, including writing; communication; K-12 education; siblings and close friends who feel like family; relatives like aunts and uncles; local neighborhoods
Sagittarius rising: your resources and relationship to resources; your budget and personal finances; how you spend and save money
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