Today, we have a (New Moon) Solar Eclipse at 21* of Libra at 1:55pm Eastern. And so begin the next few weeks of “eclipse season,” where everything tends to feel heightened. But, given current world events, you didn’t need me to tell you that.
I have been sick this week (not COVID, just a killer cold with migraines), so have been rather out of commission. In the interest of practicing what I preach, I am going to keep it brief and continue to prioritize rest today.
But a few quick reminders for folks:
While we all have life to live during eclipse season, and sometimes timing just is what it is, this is generally not the best time to try to launch enormous things.
Eclipses, contrary to what 19-year-olds are sharing on TikTok, are also generally not the best time to do big workings of magic. Ofc, eclipse magic can be tradition- and working-specific. Those who are experienced and well aware of what and why they’re doing something obviously are in a different camp. But just know that I will just be over here doing my own cleansing ritual baths and not trying to “harness” the power of the sun, mmmmk?
What this is a great time for: spiritual hygiene. Taking a good ritual bath (with epsom salts, Florida Water, Van Van oil, bluing, your own prayers and intentions — whatever you have on hand!). Literally cleaning your goddamn house, because cleanliness starts in the material! Smoke/sound/etc. cleansing your house, and also reupping your protection with salt, sigils, wards, Deneb Algedi materia, or whatever it is you use. Making offerings to your spirits of land and home. None of us are at our best during eclipse season, and tending to your foundations — even if you are the most experienced and practiced among us — is always a good idea.
Also. Mercury, the ruler of writers, currently in Libra, is sitting very close to the eclipse, caught in its rays. So be gentle with yourself if your writing, ideating, and other mercurial endeavors need a few key-turns in the ignition to get going.
Prioritize rest, drink water, and play play play play play. Remember that the culture side of Libra — the art! — offers innate medicine as the eclipse energetic drains… and eventually rejuvenates.
Take care of you,
I have been in house cleaning mode more than writing mode, so I guess now I know why! I hope you feel better soon.