EDITED: The original version of this email said that I had a new Call Your Coven episode out. Please note that the podcast is currently on hiatus due to serious health issues (as we discuss here), and so there will be no new episodes in December.
This is the darkest week of the year, literally speaking, in the Northern Hemisphere. Capricorn season, which begins on Saturday, marks the beginning of winter but the return of the light, with days getting longer, and so it’s no surprise that themes of resurrection and rebirth are prominent in this season’s holidays.
If you need something to look forward to, creatively speaking, in the depths of winter, I’d like to invite you to check out The Grove: 6 Months of Collective Creative Devotion, a container that my love Meg Jones Wall (of 3am.tarot) and I will be running from late January through late July 2025. Early Bird pricing (with an extended payment plan!) is live through December 31st.
And also also also: if you are looking for a more historically accurate reframe on the astrology of 2025, I have an upcoming lecture for all the astro girlies that will make your inner Humanities major sing.
all times are eastern
Sunday, December 15
3:56pm: Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius (6*)
Just in time for the earliest holiday travel, ye olde Mercury — psychopomp and lord of travel and commerce — stations direct. Hopefully this means that travel plans will be less disrupted than usual, but still: in the days after the station, it’s still wise to double and triple check that packages are addressed to the right people, your flight dates are correct, your reservations are all in order.
On a more industry note: Mercury is direct, but traditional publishing is basically shut down until January. Every Big 5 publisher except HarperCollins has the last two weeks of December off. If you’re waiting to hear back from an agent, editor, or [insert job title here], now is the time to let it go (a la Elsa) and just set your expectation for that retrograde-delayed conversation to properly pick up in the new year.