astrology for writers is a labor-intensive, exclusively reader-supported publication. if you enjoy getting this newsletter in your inbox, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.
~the annual birthday sale ends in 4 days!~
Before we get into the week ahead: a quick update from me!
I endeavored to move to an existing client-only based practice in Q1, but that has not proven financially sustainable in the current climate. Here in the US, things are fucking weird and scary, and also really tough financially. And so! In the interest of trying to meet y’all where you’re at, I’m going to start offering more affordable Mini Readings, which are written, short, and action-oriented.
The first Mini Reading I’m releasing is “Unsticking Your Creative Practice: A Mini Reading to Jumpstart Your 2025,” which will offer two paragraphs of written advice and practical insights geared specifically to your chart.
I plan to focus these specifically on input vs. output, a concept which Grove and Showing Up folks are very familiar with — that which might most nourish you (input) and the structures/practices that might help you produce (output).
To book a reading, a few easy steps!
Email with all of your birth data (date, time, location!) and any relevant info about your creative practice.
Pay $135 either through Venmo (jeanna-kadlec) or PayPal (
PDF delivered to you within 1-2 weeks!
🗓️: We’ve Been Here Before: A Historical Retrospective on the Astrology of 2025 is now available for download!
🎧: Calling all chronically ill girlies! The latest Call Your Coven episode, Chronic Coven: Illness and Spirituality, is out on all major streaming platforms (and YouTube).
all times are eastern
Sunday, February 23rd
11:47am: Mercury in Pisces trine Mars Rx in Cancer (17*)
A moment for reflection, journaling, and an easeful conversation with beloveds about how the last few months have been for y’all. Just before Mars stations direct, he meets Mercury, also in a water sign, to really ~talk it through as a crew.~
Text sweet nothings! Embrace whimsy! Record a voice note singing your bestie’s favorite song!
8:59pm: Mars stations direct in Cancer (17*)
THANK FUCK FUCKING FINALLY, is my response as a professional astrologer.
If you’ve had a tougher time getting shit done, finding flow on the page, or seeing career movement… the ship is gonna start to turn around. Albeit slowly. And of course there are a million external reasons that the last few months have been rough. But Mars Rx hasn’t helped, and has amplified that stuck feeling of “but what can I do? but what do I do?”
This week is a great time to call your reps (and clog up the phone lines of Republicans who are local to you, even if you’re not in their district!). The news from staffers is that phone calls are FAR MORE effective than email or online petitions, and Republicans outnumber Democrat callers at a baseline of 4-1. Pick one issue a day and call your rep about it. Mars being direct in Cancer makes it easier for us to channel our rage, especially that which we feel on behalf of the most vulnerable. For the phone anxious, has amazing scripts you can work off of.