Before we get into the astrology of this week: Early Bird Registration for the next and final Showing Up for the Work of 2024, this November, is open! Runs for 4 weeks, November 1-29, and meets 3 days a week (M, W, F from 1-3pm Eastern). Join us as we sprint to finish drafts before the holidays. Early Bird registration goes through October 14th.
I had planned this Showing Up container to be a pre-holiday sprint, where we slap words down before falling into the Thanksgiving to New Year black hole. However, because of the timing, this Showing Up session is especially NaNoWriMo friendly. And since in the wake of surgery, recovery, and then flying out to Iowa to teach, my ambitious “finish the next draft of my novel by September 15th” goals were, umm, decidedly not met, I’m personally going to be aiming to at least hit the NaNo 50k mark on this second draft of my WIP.
If you, like me, have also been stalled out on your WIP for most of the year, maybe you want to join a group as you sprint to the finish line?
ALSO ALSO ALSO. In case you haven’t yet listened yet, the October 2024 Forecast from Call Your Coven is live! As is
’s solo episode on the Numerology of Samhain. Check ‘em out, and be sure to send to a witchy friend!And now, for the week ahead.
all times are eastern