Right now, I’m in New England. My partner Meg and I had chosen family get married in Salem, Massachusetts this weekend, which was heart-filling in every possible way. Salem is very much our home-away-from-home, not only because we love how weird, witchy, and queer it is, but also because so many of our people live here and in the surrounding area. Meg, in particular, is deeply rooted in this part of the country: they’ve lived all over the North Shore and worked Cry Innocent with History Alive for an age. I was further away, living in Boston during my grad school years, with Salem as a favorite “fuck it, let’s go” day trip destination. (Did I take my first girlfriend up here to see the House of Seven Gables? Yes, yes I did.)
For Meg and I, Salem has become a cherished shared place where our own histories braid together, where each others’ friends become a collective chosen family, where our respective ancestral relationships with the land push us, together, toward a sense of accountability and purpose. Will we talk about the role modern day Salem played in the growth of our own witchcraft on Call Your Coven? Maybe someday.
all times are Eastern
Sunday, September 8
12:35am: Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn Rx in Pisces (16*)
Some may find themselves feeling constricted. Literally, physically: the body speaking out. This is a moment, then, to take stock of the earthly body, the material needs of your literal form, and schedule a medical checkup if need be. Or a massage, acupuncture: whatever appointment you’ve been putting off. Virgo-Pisces is the axis of healing, and when the sun, our life force, is contacted by Saturn, it’s a moment to just check in under the hood and make sure everything is functioning as it should be.