To those who honor the Gaelic cross-quarter days: Happy Lughnasadh. The harvest festival honors Lugh, sun god, warrior-king, and master craftsman of the Tuatha Dé Danaan.
I’d encourage all y’all who currently are seeing social media flooded with generalized Wheel of the Year posts (an entirely Wiccan invention that didn’t come until the mid-20th century, entirely divorced of this context), to learn more about it! The academic in me honors the academic in you, etc. etc.
Today, we also have a Full Moon in Aquarius. I was visiting family this weekend so am a bit behind and am writing that newsletter day-of, as it were, so it will follow later this afternoon/evening. Thank you for your patience!
August 1: Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus…
The Full Moon day starts off with an invigorating energy shot for tasks that need completing, battles that need strategizing, and conflict resolution that require a deft touch. Today, no matter how much sleep you got (or didn’t get) last night, you still feel capable. Action star Mars is supported by healer-teacher Jupiter, lending his expansive faith in the project to your efforts. Your to-do list will get done — provided you apply some of Virgo’s reasonableness, rather than perfectionism, to your expectations.
… & Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn Rx in Pisces
Form is offered to the artistic process — if you’re willing to endure the friction and difficulty to make it. Mercury, in domicile in Virgo, helps Saturn, swimming through watery Pisces, make more organized art out of the chaos. As we’ve spent a lot of time discussing, Saturn in Pisces is good for artistic process, but it can also come out in a non-linear jumble.
Alternately, you may find that the evening calls for more emotional boundaries around communication.