Maybe you’ve heard that the astrology of 2025 is once-in-a-century astrology. (This is true.)
Maybe you’ve noticed the panic from spiritual practitioners in the form of catastrophizing about climate and political disasters. (This is reasonable, if very age-of-the-internet clickbait.)
Maybe you’ve even heard the astrologers talking about ascending to a “New Earth,” with straight out of the Book of Revelations apocalyptic predictions about how things have to collapse before we can “manifest” something better. (I call bullshit.)
As we approach 2025, we must remember that history is a cycle, and sometimes even an ouroboros — the snake that eats its own tail. Any student of history or reader of literature knows that tyranny is the baseline of human history, that history is not progressive, that there have been tremendous ebbs and flows in civil rights and revolution over the millennia.
We have been here before.
Huge shifts are coming in 2025, yes. But they are shifts we — humanity as a collective — have experienced before.
In such precedented (yes, precedented) times, it’s useful to look at historical and cultural artifacts from similarly-positioned astrological eras.
In the spirit of my previous lectures, Poison & Cure: 500 Years of the Art & Literature of Saturn in Pisces and The Astrology of Book Bans, I’m excited to bring you my next researched historical astrology lecture, We’ve Been Here Before: The Astrology of 2025, to be delivered live on Zoom the evening of the New Moon in Capricorn on December 30th.
This is a lecture for history buffs who are intrigued about astrology, and for astrology girlies who love history. But it’s also for folks looking to soothe their anxiety about politics, the environment, and the state of literature and art-making in the coming year.
By looking at discrete but interrelated periods together, we can find the patterns in the puzzle. It’s true that Saturn has not been in Aries at the same time as Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries and Pluto in Aquarius in recent human history. But Saturn has sat with Neptune before (in the late 1300s and early 1700s). Saturn in Aries has hung out with Pluto in Aquarius three other times in the last thousand years. Astrology, like history, comes in cycles — and my job is in finding the clues to what future cycles bring.
Looking at what happened — politically, environmentally, but also in art and literature — during the previous moments where the Outers have had similar conversations can help us prepare for what comes next. In this 2+ hour educational lecture, I will walk us through the lessons of history to better set expectations for the Astrology of 2025; mostly, this will be focused on Europe and nations on the Mediterranean, with some East Asian events. Specifically, we will look at historical eras where…
Revolution stirred
The relationship between Church and State made dramatic changes
Climate events meant a shift in everyday life
Artists thrived anyway
We have done, and survived, this kind of living history before. And we will do so again.
Now more than ever, it’s important to me that this kind of information can find the people who need it. Hence, I’ve decided to institute an honor-based system of tiered pricing for this lecture.
$97: for those with a large/comfortable amount of disposable income; this tier serves to sponsor/offset the lowest financial tier.
$67: standard pricing, for folks with a modest amount of disposable income.
$27: for low-income folks (please self-select if this applies to you; we don't care about government certified incomes here). also for professional astrologers and select academics (adjunct faculty; graduate students) who have low and/or unreliable income.
On a personal note.
It’s been a while since I released a lecture. I had plans, even last year, to do one lecture a month; that clearly has not happened. In part, this is due to the health crises of this year (hysterectomy, hello), in part, it was due to essay-length feedback from one person who made it clear that my lecture had wasted their time. Oof, how that kind of email can get in your head. (My head, at least.) After that feedback, I shelved the idea that lectures could actually be something that contributed to my livelihood.
But lately, I’m feeling very increasingly fuck it. Maybe it’s the confidence that finishing an astrology book proposal has given me. Maybe it’s that I have made a public commitment to move away from client work in 2025 and toward that work, both literary and astrological, that edifies my spirit.
Maybe it’s that going back to teach at my undergrad earlier this year reminded me of just how much I love teaching — and that I am, actually, a good teacher. (Gen Z thinks so, at least.)
All I want to do, really, is share the astrology of history in ways that help us contextualize our present moment.
Maybe this is for you. Maybe it isn’t. But either way, I am deeply excited for this lecture and am looking forward to hanging out with my fellow nerds who join.
Hi, Jeanna! This sounds fascinating and a balm for the soul. Will there be a recording for those who would like to sign up but are unsure if they can attend? Thank you for your work.
Please create lectures as long as it's satisfying and sustainable for you. and also, fuck that guy.