I've always wanted a new romantic interest's chart right away. Until my latest partner, that is. I asked for his chart info, he had to ask his mom for his birth time, which took a while, and by the time I had it all I realized that I... just didn't want to think I knew who he was. I realized I'd used my ability to read a chart as a self-protection mechanism for so long, and I just didn't want to be that reactively self-protective anymore. So, I have it, but I don't really pay attention to it. Other than to know that he's a Pisces and Saturn in Pisces is kind of rocking his world, either as me (Capricorn, natch!) or any of the myriad other ways that he's having to grapple with constriction and discipline and boundaries in his life. The rest of who he is is a mystery to me, and I like it that way.

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When you said you see things mostly in black and white, i immediately wondered how much Scorpio you have in your natal chart :joy: ... Love this post tho, as an aspiring writer and astrologer. :)

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As many of my stories are set on other worlds entirely, trying to cast an astrological chart for various characters would be out of the question. Then I find myself considering what astrology would look like on another world entirely, and wormholes open up before me. Let me get my brain in reasonable order first... 😜

Back on Terra Firma, I have *considered* constructing natal charts for some characters, but I don't know enough about astrology yet to pull that off successfully. I think I'll use your "Let the readers debate the astro" idea instead. 😁

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

I sometimes do charts for characters in hindsight (almost always after I already have their birthdate, I think in the exceptions I already had it down to "this half the month". I might then nudge their birth time a little for either rising sign or moon sign, but in that case it's matching what's already visible of what I know about them to the chart, not setting the chart first.)

I slightly more often run charts for key events, or to see "Narratively speaking, this event could go on one of these three dates, which one has other interesting stuff on it?" I've had some fascinating experiences with that syncing up with historical events in one of my current series (which takes place during WW2, so I was also cross-referencing specifics of the Blitz with the character-specific dates and stuff like the moon phase.)

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

lol, I totally thought you had a hand in your book's release date, I was so surprised when it was during that gnarly eclipse season! Thanks for clarifying that.

Somewhat related to the Mercury Rx, what are your thoughts on void-of-course moons and scheduling events? And if you ever do feel like an important event / release date / etc. comes as an inopportune time out of your control, how do you personally interpret it?

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As a fellow astrologer, I totally chuckled at all these questions 🤣 creating a whole ass birth chart for each character sounds like a ton of work!!

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Love your writing style and am curious to check out more of your postings. Thanks.



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I love these perspectives. Thank you!!

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Dear Jeanna, it's been a while since I follow and read you. Currently I'm working on a novel (my first attempt!) and one of the characters (and main character's mentor) is a tarot reader, being the main character a writer herself too. I wonder if I could some time contact you with some questions in case you might be able to help with the tarot reader part. Thanks in advance!!! best.

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