This year, I’ve lived in NYC for twenty five years, and 20 in my current neighborhood (Astoria). This is a beautiful and true piece ❤️ I love essays that talk about how wonderful and special the city is these days, as people so often love to shit on it.

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I love Astoria! And I'm so glad this was resonant.

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NYC will always be the city of my deepest self and heart! Thanks for this.

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You're so welcome!

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really appreciate and resonate with this!

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Thank you for reading!

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Such a joy to read this, Jeanna. I tried to live in New York twice, two different summers, the second that I thought was going to turn into a life as a newly minted Art History grad working in a fancy gallery. Sadly, it was not to be, and months of temperatures so high I landed in the ER twice with heatstroke while waiting tables had me longing for another coast with a city that never ever got that hot. And so SF was the ultimate city of my 20s, not NYC. But it still grabs me every time I visit, even though I need a few days lying on the floor to recover afterward.

Being a regular in a bookshop is one of the greatest things in life. I'm not at all surprised that you love this one, too. Thank you so much for the shout out about my book. It is thrilling to have it out in the world on the pub date you recommended earlier this year. Big hugs.

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This is so real, Caroline! Sometimes places are like that. In a different way, I feel like that ^ about Minneapolis & St. Paul - for a time, I would have lived there if they didn't emotionally lay me out.

And ofc! I hope the book gets the attention it deserves!

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🩷🩷🩷🩷 It’s so fascinating to hear the places that fit for people and the ones that don’t. I’ll bet you’s absolutely slay in Minneapolis after your NYC years. 🤣

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*you’d* 🤣

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May 24Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

Yes! My wife and I live in Brooklyn and we have what a lot of people would say is a quiet life, and I love it. (Though I also expect we will get priced out eventually).

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All of this. <3 Sounds like we are in similar boats!

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You’re very welcome. You deserve credit for an amazing channel.

The thing I’m wondering about, in response to your observation about ideal places, is why would a report want to put you somewhere you’d be unsafe? I mean, don’t you think that would be a primary consideration for a chart like that?

I’m totally curious about that. Might be something astrocartographers should be paying more attention to? Especially for at-risk people.

Not expecting you can answer that but someone should.

Doesn’t seem fair (to say the least.)

Either way sounds like you’re making the best of where you find yourself ❤️. And isn’t that what we’re all supposed to be doing?

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So true! One of my longest relationships was in NY, where for a time both of us worked in and commuted to Manhattan. We had many friends and activities there; it was certainly a hub for those of us not making the Big Apple our home base but rather a frequent destination and necessary beacon.

The thing I most admire about it is that even for its density there’s a respect for energetic sovereignty; people “give you space” even while claiming their own. That, and they’re so willing to help/offer advice— even when they don’t know or aren’t sure.

Funny thing about Astrocartography— in the 70’s my chart said Oregon would be my #1 best place, followed by upstate New York. It took me several decades to get to NY but when I did things in my life got better and I had some stability.

But Fate or whatever you want to call it eventually led me to Oregon where the woman I’ve been looking for my whole life is now my partner. And as for Oregon? I’m asking myself in wonder “What the hell took me so long??!!” This is without question my “home sweet home.”

So… all I’ll say further is if you get an astrocartography report, pay attention to it!

I’m loving your channel. Keep writing ✍️ 🙌

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Thank you for the support, this is so kind! And yes totally agree about the respect for energetic sovereignty. There's simply no way to function otherwise.

I'm definitely open to astrocartography, but also very aware that, for me, for the most part, my "best" lines (jupiter, venus, sun MCs) are all in places where it is, uhhh, illegal to be gay. I totally appreciate that it is a constructive practice for so many people, but - thus far, at least - it simply does not support my own lived experience.

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I LOVED reading about your "bar years," Jeanna... thanks for this post. And I agree that NYC is an "extreme environment" in a way other cities are not (from someone in another type of "extreme environment"-- lol, hi from the freezing blowing Billionaire Wilderness). This whole post made me think I need to pick up a copy of your book stat!

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oh thank you, katherine! that's so kind!

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Your love of NYC makes me wonder about your astrocartography for the city and makes me think of what keeps me in my own. I’ve tried to leave my city so many times, but I always come back, and now I feel rooted here in a way I never felt before. Similar to your D&D group, I have a bookclub made of friends from college that has lasted longer than some of our relationships 😂 It was like one day I looked up and realized the city is home.

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Oh, I love that. So real!

Perhaps unsurprisingly, I have a more intense MC line running down the East Coast. My astrocartography isn't that different here than it is in Boston, which is why I don't really attribute much to it.

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I really enjoyed this love letter to NYC. If you have any other recs for D&D noobs or finding community to play please share <3

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Unfortunately, I can't really speak to finding community for D&D, since this is an in-person friend group that (mostly) already existed, but I always always always rec Dimension20, which is a D&D show on Dropout - it's a much more watchable (and explained) show than Critical Role (which I love but no longer have the attention span for). D20 seasons I recommend starting with: Unsleeping City if you're a NYC person who loves urban fantasy & whimsy or A Crown of Candy if you're into Game of Thrones drama.

Also, and I know that these are two white dudes I'm rec'ing, but I do genuinely love the Dungeon Dudes' YouTube channel and I reference it/refer to it for my own D&D play ALL THE TIME.

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Watching Dungeons & Drag Queens on D20 is what got me curious to play honestly. Can't wait to dig in to Unsleeping City, thanks for the recs!

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Oh so cool! I loved that crossover - that got me watching Drag Race, so we are on opposite tracks lol!

Yes, Unsleeping City & A Crown of Candy are top tier IMO. I also adored Magic & Misfits and A Court of Fae & Flowers, which are both SO GOOD and are run by the brilliant Aabria Iyengar, but they utilize non-D&D systems, so if you're watching to learn more about D&D itself, then those might be initially confusing.

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Love this 🩷 is there an astrocartographer you recommend working with? your post showed up literally as I was thinking about getting a reading!

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