Feb 12, 2021Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

I did a New Moon pull yesterday and was pummeled with Cups cards (King, Ace, Six). The pull brought up a lot around cultivating relationships/ support systems digitally, and relying on my body to guide me physically and mentally (big "if you don't choose a rest day, your body will choose it for you" energy). The relationships where we don't need to connect everyday, and can send quick messages of love & appreciation every week have been keeping me going. Something about moving through our own spaces at our own pace, and pausing briefly to acknowledge or support each other.

I am still reeling from the sheer energy of submitting my FIRST PITCH EVER to a publication last week. I'm giving myself permission to be proud of myself for putting in the work and embracing the vulnerability that comes with submissions. I'm also trying not to shirk away from the ickier feelings that come with potential rejection. All feelings are invited to the party, but it doesn't mean everybody gets a parting gift.

(FWIW, I deeply appreciate this space to reflect and relate to others' posts -- I get excited whenever I see the notification pop-up in my email. Obviously the frequency is up to your capacity to post/host. But thank you always for making this available to us.)

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"if you don't choose a rest day, your body will choose it for you" — i feel like this is just flashing like a neon sign! The wisdom!

Congratulations so much on submitting your first pitch! That's a huge step. It is definitely a vulnerable process, but it really is like building a muscle — the more you do it, the stronger the muscle gets, the more it can take. And you're absolutely right, all feelings can show up, but they don't all have to get gifts.

And thank you, I'm so glad you like having the space. I think in part because I am very big on consistency, and I know that something I bring to a lot of people's lives is consistency, the idea that a space like this could just be a spontaneous thing that ebbs and flows is... quite mind-bending. :) So thank you for that.

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Between your Twitter following, this newsletter, even your new course, you're great at fostering spaces!

I read your HOW TO PITCH 101 thread as one of my resources for making the submission to Autostraddle, so a double-thank you for sharing that knowledge! Here's to more at-bats this season 🎉

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Yesterday was a day of dealing with some emotional family conflicts. Mostly internal struggle for myself with blood and chosen family. And how both are family and I don't need to pick one over the other. I'm really getting a lot of family and community questions right now. It's driving me kind of bonkers, lol, but when your Chiron in Cancer is in the fourth house?

I'm trying to find spaces of joy and inspiration right now. Tending to fall into fanfics, both writing and reading, usually ones that are queer and community/chosen family centered. Can you tell I'm in a mood?

Right now, at this moment, I'm giving myself permission to write what comes to mind and not edit. Because I want to share more than I want to be perfect.


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Fanfic is always a helpful, healing, safe space for me, and I'm so glad it's somewhere that you're finding solace!

And WHEW, a *word* about writing without editing. A WORD for us all. <3

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

For some reason this new moon week walloped me. I need to check my chart to see if there was anything that got lit up or something because damn.

The assembly of planets in Aquarius has really shown me where I need to heal. Which makes sense because that’s my sixth house so ... ok Aquarius. I see you.

As far as things inspiring me right now - I started watching an anime called Snow White with the Red Hair with friends, and it’s very lovely. (Slow burn romance! Snow White is the castle herbalist! The prince she’s in love with is bisexual!) I’m also rereading The Golden Compass and starting to dream of writing fiction again.

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I'm sorry you're getting slammed this week, friend. — this week brought up a lot of body stuff for me, too. A sixth house transit makes total sense for that. Hope you can get a break soon. Xx

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

Jeanna it’s so good! And thanks babe I hope your body stuff chills soon

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

Yesterday, I was able to do some intense research for my dissertation, and I started journaling about my research! It was really exciting and freeing, since I've felt stuck and uncertain about my work lately (imposter syndrome!). For the first time in a long time, I felt creative with my work!

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Ahh that is the best feeling! Congrats! Sending you all good things for keeping it going. Imposter syndrome is so relatable and such a pain in the ass. <3

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The last year I've struggled w/ a lot of anxiety about what the future will look like & what that means for my family. This last week, I was driving & suddenly felt overwhelming happiness & that everything will be ok. Nothing in particular happened this week to justify having this change of heart, but it was there and so comforting. I also had a burst of inspiration which is also welcome as sometimes I get stuck in the weeds & it takes me forever to accomplish anything!

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