and also on overwhelm
I needed that today. Thank you ❤️
i'm so glad!
Thanks. I needed that.
i'm glad it was helpful!
Jeanna, this is so beautiful. I don't know if I've heard/read you talk about book altars before but this sounds like exactly what I should be doing today (snowed in, not a lot of energy). Thank you for such perfect timing and inspiration!
Oh I'm so glad!
thank you for writing this one! i really needed to hear it today. i'm excited to integrate these ideas into my practice.
A WIP altar sounds lovely. I usually have a version of a vision board for them but I like the idea of more intentionally cultivating an altar too.
i'm glad it's helpful!
I needed that today. Thank you ❤️
i'm so glad!
Thanks. I needed that.
i'm glad it was helpful!
Jeanna, this is so beautiful. I don't know if I've heard/read you talk about book altars before but this sounds like exactly what I should be doing today (snowed in, not a lot of energy). Thank you for such perfect timing and inspiration!
Oh I'm so glad!
thank you for writing this one! i really needed to hear it today. i'm excited to integrate these ideas into my practice.
i'm so glad!
A WIP altar sounds lovely. I usually have a version of a vision board for them but I like the idea of more intentionally cultivating an altar too.
i'm glad it's helpful!