Related to the question of astrology as a language and being a beginner is the reality (for me, anyway) that if you don't *use* a language fluency is harder to maintain. I've self-studied astrology for nearly 30 years now, so I could perhaps reasonably consider myself not a beginner. A dozen years ago I was coming off three years of formal astrology schooling and more than a decade of seeing a Jungian therapist with whom I frequently spoke astrology. I could pull an interpretation out of a hat so easily. I was swimming in symbols all the time. But now, I don't really hang about with other folks well versed in astrology. I'm not reading astrology texts or seeing that therapist. My instant recall of vocabulary and automatic assignment of meaning/significance isn't there. It would be tempting, when folks who know my history with astrology ask me questions to pretend a current fluency I lack, or to playact unwarranted confidence. But it's also okay to admit that my language faculties are rusty, that a well-formed answer no longer trips off my tongue.

Being a beginner isn't a one and done, in my experience. And there's no shame in having skills and facility atrophy with disuse because life happens. Better to be gentle and honest with ourselves and everyone. (Also, I have natal Mars conjunct Chiron, so learning to be gentle in the face of what often feels for me like the stumbling aspect of stepping out there is a lesson long in coming.)

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More wisdom. Thank you very much. Appreciate the insight about Saturn aspect to current Virgo moon, and the necessity to let go of unrealistic expectations if you don't have the energy to carry them out.

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Thank you, Jeanna, for this insightful, compassionate post. Appreciating your gifts.

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