I started my AstroHerbalism substack a month ago and have been feeling like my posts are much more serious and educational than I want them to be. I want my creativity, curiosity, and humor to shine through a bit more. I was trying to push myself to post about the new moon today, but I think I’m going to gift myself the space to spend some time with friends and do some creative writing rather than telling or sharing what I know.

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I love this, Starbie!

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Jun 7Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

"Today’s task isn’t to write the book. It’s to connect with it." Very helpful insight. Tattoo-worthy. Thank you.

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I'm glad it helps!

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Jun 7Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

Cait, yes, I'm posting this sentence by my writing desk. Thank you, Jeanna, for this affirming and energizing piece.

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Thank you for reading, Nancy! Good to see you :)

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This quote: "this New Moon in Gemini is inviting you into a deeper conversation, a deeper relationship, with Creativity." In my notes, I wrote, "i think creativity is an alternate word for God/Spirit/Source. I appreciate the reminder that Creativity is always with us, despite the words on the page. Constant. Spring is a beautiful time to be reminded how creative life is. I'm in the southern states and life is so green and constantly blooming. Like us.

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Love this, Ashley!

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Jun 6Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

I really needed to be affirmed that I’m in a conversation with creativity, and stop paralyzing my creative energy by just looking to the product for the ‘proof’. Thanks for shining a light on this aspect of the new moon in Gemini. A little of this and a little of that. Yes.

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YES! The conflation of productivity with creativity is so intense and stifling.

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Today I received in the post a gift I bought myself which I’m now thinking is more connected to my book than I thought. It’s a hybrid SUP/kayak. To justify the expense I am going to have to make time this summer to play and learn a new physical skill. Learning new physical skills increases/revives my body confidence, which will then feed into the embodiment I need to step with some strength and confidence into writing visceral scenes for my memoir. Usually trying to write them just throws me back into the disorienting disassociation of my childhood. Thank you for helping me make that connection. ❤️

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It’s hard out here for creatives! I am working harder than ever and it is one of my leanest years too. Solidarity babe

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Girl. For real.

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Jun 6Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

Make all the damn announcements you want!!! (But why “church”?)

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LOL! In a church service, there is always an announcements section that comes before worship/the sermon. So it’s just my tongue-in-cheek way of saying that. But I appreciate that that may turn some folks off!

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When I used to go to church there was also a “Blessings and Concerns” where you could request people celebrate with you or lift you up in prayer. I loved that part of the community and it’s a reminder to me that we don’t really know what battles someone else may be fighting but we can acknowledge that we’re all in this together (which to me feels like the message of this Gemini season 2024) thanks for all your efforts -We are all in this together and we’re going to be ok…

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LOL ok makes sense I was like what is she talking about/what do these announcements have to do with church

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this is a helpful reflection, tho - i don't want to confuse, and i really only say it for my own amusement, so i can just call them announcements 😂

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I've been avoiding my book lately. I'm almost done with the first draft, which I find scary. I'll try to tell myself that I need to reconnect with my book instead of I need to finish it and see if that feels better and comes with less pressure. Thanks!

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If the thinking portion of creating counts then I must be the most productive writer ever 😂 this definitely makes me feel better and it is nice to hear this opinion as we can get so caught up in word count (or lack thereof) I always feel better when I’m connected to my creativity, even if it is just time spent in my head, it’s a space I enjoy being in. I’m hoping my Substack will help me get back there…

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Jun 10Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

I second this wholeheartedly. Creativity is play. Creative work is not work; it's play. The feelings of play linger long after a creative project has wrapped up. Perhaps, when we run out of ideas or feel stuck, that's our cue to re-ignite the sense of play.

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Jun 6Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

Gorgeous and affirming, thank you!

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Thank you for reading, Lisa!

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I needed to read this today. Thank you!

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I'm so glad, Sebene! <3

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Jun 6Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

Great post, thank you!

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I so needed to remember this today: Today’s task isn’t to write the book. It’s to connect with it.

Yes, yes, yes.

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Also: “Today’s task isn’t to write the book” is tattoo worthy! 🫶

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Yes yes yes. And how lucky that I planned a meet-up

for today in a giant bookshop. This energy is so TASTY! Thank you for all the gorgeous work you do, Jeanna. I am so proud to be a paid subscriber here. 🩷

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