As I’ve said to you (recently!), I’m a late bloomer of the first, and stereotypical Capricorn, order. My being impatient or shitty to myself (or anyone else, for that matter) has never managed to alter the reality that things take as long as they take. Astrology helps me be less salty about it, occasionally gracious, and sometimes even grateful. I know stuff now I didn’t know before. I’m steadier and softer towards myself and other people. I recognize my own weaknesses and bullshit more quickly. All of these things make my writing better.

Also, as a serious astrologer, sometimes you have to call bullshit on what folks use astrology for. It’s not gonna tell you what to do or fix things for you. It’s just a language, a way of telling time, and a way of seeing and understanding yourself in a wider symbolic context. The work is still up to you.

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Beautifully said!

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Thanks! <3

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Another beautiful message I see in this post is that, in honoring our unique relationship with creativity, we stop comparing ourselves to others and their outputs (another side effect of capitalism). I love the message of knowing ourselves and our own relationship with creativity.

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Absolutely! I love that you said this.

And listen, I am the first one to say that sometimes I still fall into that old trap, because envy is just a real human feeling (that often gives us helpful information about what we want). But also: building that relationship with ourselves + our creativity helps to free up a lot of harddrive space devoted to other people/what we "should" be doing.

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YES TO ALL OF THIS!! Constantly rubbing up similar attitudes in my self-pub circles where capitalism is in control and people seem to have forgotten about....prioritizing art? The soul? The joy? Understandable given the climate we're in, given people's need to survive (which I feel all too well as a disabled small biz owner), but every time people worriedly discuss "hacking" creativity to increase productivity and supposedly, in return, sales....I wonder! I wonder if it's *truly* effective for the average writer the way so many "teachers" and advice blogs say it is. Astrology is no different there. I have a gut feeling that all the things you talk about here with patience and such is what will actually lead us to success as writers, whether material or spiritual. But whenever I start saying so, people get really uncomfortable and defensive, even hostile. Thank you, Jeanna, for staying true to yourself! I love it!

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I so hear this, Cedar, and I so appreciate YOUR ethos and outlook that inform your brilliant decks and creations! <3

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Thank you. This, especially, helped me ground:

"and this is the waiting game, of trusting everything that is happening that we cannot see, the infinitesimal changes invisible to the naked eye or the conscious mind."

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This post made me upgrade to paid! I am so all about taking time with creativity and giving creative work the time it needs. I mean, sure, I get impatient. But writing doesn't get any better with an overlayer of impatience. I want astrology to tell me not "pitch to editors today!" but "maybe lie down in the grass today."

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Thank you, Julie — that means a lot.

And I totally hear this. Impatience is REAL! But so much of choosing this life is about learning to tolerate // build tolerance for that.

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Ooh ooh I’m new to your content. Can’t wait to dive in deeper. A double Aquarius just allowing my writing self to emerge.

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Thank you for being here!

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Yessss- I am with this message and approach!

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love this! 💗🙏🏼

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Ty Rasha!

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Oh so much this!!!!!

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"If you are expecting a perfectly tailored solution for your writers’ block, or a streamlined, capitalist-friendly solution that uses astrology as ~branding~, this is not the right place for you...To me, building a sustainable relationship with our creativity is one that divests as much as is possible from capitalist standards of “productivity.” " I have never felt *more* like I am in EXACTLY the right place! Thank you for this message and for your work. 🙌🏽♥️

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May 18, 2023
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