Apr 5Liked by Jeanna Kadlec

This week I am loving slow walk videos on YouTube. I put them on while I write, and I when I come up for air, I get to experience a sleepy sunrise walk through a village in the Cotswolds or a snowy night trek through Shinjuku without leaving my desk.

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I love this Friday Love List Idea: I tried various gratiude exercises, but never quite got the hang of them. But this once a week is a great idea for just stepping back and reviewing the week from the perspective of love.

This week I connected with the Venus/Neptune energy - I dug out my old paperback of The Hobbit. I've been reading an up to date (published in 2023) SciFi book Oxygen Farmer by Colin Holmes. Watched Summit on Astrology University about the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. Binged on some series broadcast on BritBox. Loved every minuted of it all.

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