Sitemap - 2023 - astrology for writers

the writer's week ahead: a new year dawns

how the NYT forced me out of the broom closet

the full moon in cancer for writers

the writer's week ahead 12.24.23-12.30.23

it's hard to become a butterfly (but worth it)

the week ahead 12.18.23-12.23.23

the last mercury retrograde of 2023

the astrology for writers gift guide: subscriber edition

the new moon in sagittarius for writers

the writer's week ahead: 12.10.23-12.16.23

the writer's week ahead: 12.3.23-12.9.23

the astrology for writers gift guide 2023

the full moon in gemini for writers

the writer's guide to november's astrology: week 4

how to (not) talk to your family about your writing

the writer's guide to november's astrology: week 3

let's show up to the work together

the new moon in scorpio for writers

the writer's guide to november's astrology: week 2

so you want to do a book deal spell

the writer's guide to november's astrology: week 1

Witchy Links for Samhain

the writer's guide to october & november's astrology: a liminal week

the partial lunar eclipse in taurus

6 Things I’ve Learned in the Year Since My First Book Came Out

your astrological year ahead

the writer's guide to october's astrology: week 4

what are you supposed to "get" out of astrology?

how to walk away from a book

the writer's guide to october's astrology: week 3

the new moon solar eclipse in libra for writers

a free offering of the heart for you <3

the writer's guide to october's astrology: week 2

does structure inhibit creativity?

the writer's guide to october's astrology: week 1

the full moon in aries for writers

how we show up to the work

the writer's guide to september's astrology: week 4

3 things i don't do as an author-astrologer that might surprise you

the writer's guide to september's astrology: week 3

the publishing stories of mercury rx in virgo

the new moon in virgo for writers

the writer's guide to september's astrology: week 2

the writer's guide to september's astrology: week 1

fall writing courses!

Astrology for Writers: THE DISCORD!

the full moon in pisces for writers

mercury rx in virgo for writers

the new moon in leo for writers

the full moon in aquarius for writers

the writer's guide to august's astrology

less than 48 hours

the new moon in cancer for writers

don't be afraid to disappear

the full moon in capricorn for writers

the writer's guide to july's astrology

enter the cloister

the new moon in gemini for writers

on sacred collaboration and sacred gender: cassandra snow & siri plouff in conversation with jeanna kadlec

the full moon in sagittarius for writers

the writer's guide to june's astrology

50% off sale + more

the new moon in taurus for writers

the publishing & media stories of mercury rx

query letters, hybrid memoir, and truth telling

the scorpio eclipse for writers

for a limited time: book your reading

the writer's guide to may's astrology

mercury rx in taurus for writers

the aries eclipse for writers

weekly thread: new rituals on the cusp of change

on writing as homecoming: ella cerón in conversation with jeanna kadlec

weekly thread: full moon recovery (and fascism)

the full moon in libra for writers

for a limited time: i'm open for readings

the writer's guide to april's astrology

weekly thread: mercury and the creative process

book proposals & brain picking

on living the path of the seeker: esmé weijun wang in conversation with jeanna kadlec

weekly threads: what are you writing?

on pluto in aquarius

free publishing q&a for lgbtqia+ writers!

the new moon in aries for writers

weekly thread: astrology thoughts & feelings

last call for today's class!

reminder: poison & cure this friday!

Weekly Thread: AWP & FOMO & purpose

🖋 LAST CALL (and a date change)

the full moon in virgo for writers

poison & cure: saturn in pisces

Weekly Threads: Reflections on Saturn in Aquarius

the writer's guide to march's astrology

Weekly Thread: Books You Can't Put Down

on trusting what happens in the dark: meg jones wall in conversation with jeanna kadlec

the new moon in pisces for writers

calling all nonfiction writers with ideas and WIPs

a full moon in leo birthday celebration!

the writer's guide to february's astrology

the new moon in aquarius for writers

the publishing stories of mercury retrograde

the full moon in cancer for writers

2023 year ahead horoscopes for writers